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Monday, 22 April 2013

Fruit/Herb Garden and Seating Area.

Strawberry bed
 The Fruit/Herb garden and seating area is coming along nicely, the Strawberry bed is nearly finished and the Strawberry plants will be going in soon. The seating area is complete, I just need to build a picnic bench to put there now. I've planted some Red/Blackcurrant bushes in some old Home brew beer kegs, this is a pure experiment as is growing fruit as I've never grew any fruit before. I've also plant some Raspberry, Blueberry and Tayberries. A plot (near mine) become vacant recently so I've been raiding it for materials, on it I found some well established Rhubarb, I've dug some of it up and replanted it on mine, again a experiment/gamble as it's a bit late to be moving it. But after all it was free and if it fails so be it. So hopefully come Summer 2014 this area will have plenty of fruit to pick.

Most of the seeds in the Greenhouse are coming on well, just waiting on the leeks and Sweetcorn to make a appearance. The Peas and Cabbage are doing really well, the Beans and Artichokes (globe) are just starting to peak through, Tomatoes, Chillies, Aubergines and Peppers have been a bit of a disappointment so I'm going to sow some more this week and I'm going to start sowing in the beds outside this week since we are having some decent weather. Well that's all for now and thanks for reading.

Monday, 15 April 2013

In the last week I've starting on the other side of the plot. Me and the boy's have been down the plot a few times in the last 7 days. First I took up some grass (above) in a rectangle, then I took up some more to make it in to a L shape. I've got some of it boarded of already and Riley did a grand job of painting it, he just needs to finish it now and I need to finish boarding it off and turning it all over.

                          On the growing front there is some Peas, Cabbages, Mixed Lettuces and Marigolds coming through.
 The Tomato and Cucumber seeds are doing well, I've finally planted some Tatties and I'm going to plant some onions this week I think. I'm going to try a little experiment this week involving clear salad trays.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, 8 April 2013

All sown up

       After waiting for what seemed an age for Spring to arrive, Spring is well and truly here. Round 1 of planting seeds/plants is now complete. In the last 8 days I have sown, French Climbing Beans, 3 varieties of Cabbages, Purple Sprouting Cauliflower, Dwarf Beans, Sweetcorn, 2 varieties of Peas, Celery, Globe Artichokes, Leeks, some Rosemary and Basil, Lettuces and Spinach. That's on top of the 4 varieties of Tomatoes, 3 varieties of Chillies, 2 varieties of Peppers, 2 varieties of Cucumber and some Aubergines that I planted 3 weeks ago. I also potted up some Raspberry, Red Currant and Blueberry canes and some Strawberry plants that I was given. Now all this is done I need get back to "landscaping" the other half of the plot so I've got some where to plant them all, thanks for reading.


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Sow, Sow, Sow.

I popped down the plot for a cheeky hour this afternoon, while I was there I sowed some more Peas, Beans and Sweetcorn, I also sowed some Globe Artichokes, Cabbage (3 varieties) and Purple Sprouting Cauliflower. This is the first round of seeds as I'm going to do some more in 3 weeks and possibly another round later in May. As I've never used fibre pots before I'm "hedging" my bets and using plastic as well. So let the sowing continue.....                                                                                                                                                                                  
Cucumber seedling coming through
The Strawberry plants I was given are coming along very nicely after I cut them right back as they had a lot of dead leaves and damaged runners on them. So I took some secateurs to them and now they are thriving.

                                                                                I picked up these freebies today (2 home brew beer kegs), I just need to work out what to do with them now, thanks for reading.