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Monday, 8 April 2013

All sown up

       After waiting for what seemed an age for Spring to arrive, Spring is well and truly here. Round 1 of planting seeds/plants is now complete. In the last 8 days I have sown, French Climbing Beans, 3 varieties of Cabbages, Purple Sprouting Cauliflower, Dwarf Beans, Sweetcorn, 2 varieties of Peas, Celery, Globe Artichokes, Leeks, some Rosemary and Basil, Lettuces and Spinach. That's on top of the 4 varieties of Tomatoes, 3 varieties of Chillies, 2 varieties of Peppers, 2 varieties of Cucumber and some Aubergines that I planted 3 weeks ago. I also potted up some Raspberry, Red Currant and Blueberry canes and some Strawberry plants that I was given. Now all this is done I need get back to "landscaping" the other half of the plot so I've got some where to plant them all, thanks for reading.



  1. Good luuck with the rasperries, let me know how you get on. I have just received 8 cuttings from the inlaws, transported by the good lady wife from South Wales to London - she sasn't overly impressed when I asked her if she coulbring me some bits back but the girl's done good. They're potted and sat on the window cill waiting to grow some roots.

  2. I'll keep you informed on the Raspberries, I'm planting them outside soon, once I've sorted somewhere for them to go. Can you let me know how your cuttings get a long please, I've never tried growing from cuttings before, thanks.
