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Friday, 15 February 2013

Work done in Jan 2013

So the hard work began.......
So my first task was to get rid of the bark chippings pathways that the weeds had made their home.
I also started clearing the veg bed. (such a waste)

Reinstalling the other veg bed (barrels were a bad idea).
Flower bed looking better, planted spring bulbs as well.
Last of the bark pathways to do.
Much better. No barrels.

Such a big improvement I must say. The main bed looking nice and tidy.

Last of the pathways to lay when get some more gravel.

 Divider fence 1 tidied up.
Divider fence 2 erected.


  1. Nice work. It's good when you can see the immediate effects of your labours. But better when you can actually taste your results.

    1. Thanks, I can't wait to get some seeds in the ground never mind tasting the end result :)

  2. Your plot looks much tidier now. What did the half barrels have in them?

  3. Thanks, it's getting there as this is only half of the plot. I had 3 types of potatoes, kohlrabi, radishes, 2 types of Kale (red/green), but I didn't like using the barrels (a pain in the bum to get the potatoes out) much prefer growing in the ground.

  4. Looks much better now, I agree with you about the difficulty getting crops out of the barrels, but I find them great for growing Carrots in and it keeps the Carrot fly off too, if the barrels are full height.

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